
About me

My values are truth, empathy and creativity. 

It’s important for me to uncover truths in a way that feels collaborative and compassionate, rather than extractive. The goal of my research is to support new ideas and creative endeavours. To problem solve, build, prototype, improve. I work with teams across service, product, organisation, comms and experience design.

I combine a background in Psychology and Anthropology with 16 years of experience working in research - predominantly partnering with creative people and organisations who are deeply committed to problem solving.

I care about taboos, because issues being socially ‘off limits’ can uphold harmful systems of power and injustice, disproportionately affecting already marginalised people. The silence, stigma and shame around taboos need to be tackled - these things serve no one.
Trauma is something I’ve become more interested and experienced in over the last six years; as I started to explore taboo topics such as death, mental health, addiction and committing crime, I learned just how much trauma is at the heart of people’s experiences.  Navigating research about trauma requires a real ‘levelling up’ of skills to ensure that participants feel safe and empowered to engage in research, and I’ve been fascinated to become a practitioner in trauma-informed design. 

Since 2021 I have led Research and Impact for Chayn - a global, feminist, intersectional organisation that supports survivors of sexual abuse and assault across borders. I run all of our trauma-informed qualitative and quantitative UX research studies, and our Impact Measurement.

I’m proud to be a part of the communities of practitioners sharing expertise and learning from each other globally: Design Justice Network (DJN), Ethical Design Network, Designers Group for Good, All Tech is Human.

What People Say

“Jenny took on a project for us doing user research around people’s sex lives. We were massively impressed with both how comfortable Jenny made the users, how comfortable she immediately was herself with the topic, and with the concise and accurate synthesis that came out”

— Jas Bagweski, Founder, Lover app

“Jenny brought clarity, intelligence and openness and helped us to get to a place that was both bold and comfortable for us. Many people don't 'get' Faber, because we do cross many worlds and hold firm to some key values that are not universally recognised in the commercial world. She seemed to get us from the off, and it made the project so much more enjoyable and productive.”

— Steven Page, CEO, Faber Publishing